Monday, April 29, 2013

Todays class

So today I got a migraine and basically slept the whole time while the whole class watched a movie.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Todays class

Today we had a test and it was hard. I got a 76. I could have done better other than that The class was fun

Monday, April 22, 2013

todays class

Today was a fun day. We watched peoples rap video presentations. Victoria s was the best. After that we started talking about rome and how fearsome they were. How they nailed people to crosses for punishment. Very brutal

Monday, April 15, 2013

todays fire drill

Today was a little weird. we went out for a fire drill and then we came back in and listened to mr schicks rap. it was so funny. I cant believe he wrote that all by himself it was so funny. We then got into groups and worked on a rap video

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What we did in class today.

Todays class was fun. We got to create our own comics on Romulus and Remus. Mine is funny and i had a lot of fun doing it. They were thrown into a river and left to drown. Thats gota suck

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Romans did not have a straight democracy. they Italians were placed by gods. In the middle of the world. at the mouth of a river , in the middle if the Mediteranian and in the middle of Greece. The Etruscan were the first to come to Italy. government. king was advised through a small group of senates. patricians were the upper class and connected by power money land politics. Plebeians were lower class and had to do all there work  

Todays Class

Today's class was hilarious. Mr Schick came in with a flat top and a sweat shirt and pretended to be a raper. He made a really good rap about Greece and it was very informational. It was so funny. After that we started to got over the test. I got a bad grade. I need to started paying more attention in class