Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What we did In class today

Today in class we had something that I was not prepared for at all. Mr. Schick came in and the PowerPoint said POP QUIZ. I was scared. I did not know anything. Luckily for us, he had to go take pictures so that gave us about 10 minutes to study. We took the pop quiz that was only 5 questions and Easy. I am confident that I passed and I cant wait to see my grade. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What we did in Class

Today in class we got settled in our seats. After that Mr. Schick putt on a little movie about the test of our whole life. And the stuff that goes in .99 cent burgers. the guy was talking really fast so what we did is after we saw the whole video without interruption, we talked about it, what happened, what did you think and do you think the guy is weird or not and i think so. then we started to watch it again but we stopped  it in certain areas to talk abut it.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What we Did in Class Today

Today in class we got new seats and then we decided to open our book and look at the text.  We talked about evolution and The theory that Jared Diamond had about geographic luck. all the students were taking notes on Mr schicks PowerPoint that he had up on the board.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jared Diamond

By reading the text that was assigned to us that Jared Diamonds theory could be wrong, I have thought that the text is trying to say  that there is a little geographic luck but its all about evolution. Humans have evolved into a complex design of a living creature since they first came around and all there going to keep doing is evolving. Yes there could be luck involved but the only way that Humans are going to succeed on there land is by evolving to there natural environment and that's what they are going to do. For example when the Spanish defeated the Incas it was the Incas choice to use bronze instead of steel. They could have evolved into a great group and defeated the Spanish if they just took advantages of there resources. Another one is if the Incas would have built boats and explored they might have found other groups where they could trade and do different things for more advance tools.     

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What We Did In Class 1/18/13

Today in Mr shicks class we had a little fun. we got to know our textbooks better by reading some of it and taking notes. Mr Shick read the information to us, kinda like a story time for 3rd graders. okay, anyway he showed us how to take notes and told us how we should always be short but precise. That was My second Day in Mr Shicks Class  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What we did In class today


Today was our first day and we got to know each others names and Mr.Shick took roll. We also passed out book but before we did that, Mr. Shick Had the wrong books so he needed to go get the right books. after we passed out books we created a blog. Some people had trouble with it but most people Got it and sent the URL to Mr. Shick