Thursday, May 30, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

Todays class

For today I had to go get my computer and when i went there it was not ready. So i came back and did the vocab on paper

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Todays class

For today's class all we did is go over the test we took. I got a 75 which i can do so much better on. I know we have finals coming up soon and i will begin to study for them

Thursday, May 16, 2013

What we did in class Today

For today's class we had some shadows. It was funny, they were both related to someone in the class. After that we just took notes on the fall of rome

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Today we had a test. It was hard. It was all righting and nothing els. I think i did ok

Monday, May 13, 2013

todays class

Fort today i took a small quiz that i got a 100 on and we created questions for the test on wed.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Todays class

For today we talked about what happened after the Pax Romana. I took notes while other people were playing games on

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Todays class

Today we went over our test and i got a 70. After that I had to leave early for the ortho.

Monday, May 6, 2013


Today we had a test and i did OK on it. I got a 70 witch is in the middle. A D but I still passed. SOOOO thats about what we did for class

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fridays class

We were assigned a small 500 word assignment from Mr. Schick. He Snapped when People just started talking and then everyone got quiet. After that we got in to pairs and just started working.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What we did in class today

today's class we watched the end of the movie and Tiberius died because the senators killed him. They though he was doing bad so they beat him to death. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

todays class

For today we watched a movie about Rome. It showed how Tiberius was trying to over rule the senates and as a tenant, he vetoed everything he could so that all of Rome will come to a stand stop because the other tenant vetoed for the citizens to vote. it worked 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Todays class

So today I got a migraine and basically slept the whole time while the whole class watched a movie.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Todays class

Today we had a test and it was hard. I got a 76. I could have done better other than that The class was fun

Monday, April 22, 2013

todays class

Today was a fun day. We watched peoples rap video presentations. Victoria s was the best. After that we started talking about rome and how fearsome they were. How they nailed people to crosses for punishment. Very brutal

Monday, April 15, 2013

todays fire drill

Today was a little weird. we went out for a fire drill and then we came back in and listened to mr schicks rap. it was so funny. I cant believe he wrote that all by himself it was so funny. We then got into groups and worked on a rap video

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What we did in class today.

Todays class was fun. We got to create our own comics on Romulus and Remus. Mine is funny and i had a lot of fun doing it. They were thrown into a river and left to drown. Thats gota suck

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Romans did not have a straight democracy. they Italians were placed by gods. In the middle of the world. at the mouth of a river , in the middle if the Mediteranian and in the middle of Greece. The Etruscan were the first to come to Italy. government. king was advised through a small group of senates. patricians were the upper class and connected by power money land politics. Plebeians were lower class and had to do all there work  

Todays Class

Today's class was hilarious. Mr Schick came in with a flat top and a sweat shirt and pretended to be a raper. He made a really good rap about Greece and it was very informational. It was so funny. After that we started to got over the test. I got a bad grade. I need to started paying more attention in class

Thursday, March 21, 2013

what we did in class today

Today was a fun day. We worked on our power points and i showed Joseph how to post pictures into the power point . our group is quite the show

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Today's class

Today's class we went over the blog post that we had to put, then after that we got into our groups that mr schick gave us and started working on our powerpoint. I got shaun an joseph

Monday, March 18, 2013


Today was rough. we had a test about ancient Greece. It was actually pretty easy. I thought it was really funny that Mr Schick put dumb questions in there about him

Monday, March 11, 2013

Todays class

Today's class was crazy. we got our test back. I failed because, stupid me forgot to read the directions. If i would have read the directions i would have past. I am so pist about it but what can ya do.  Anyway no one in our class got an A. and i mean NO ONE. Mr Schick got mad because no one would shut up and he yelled  at us.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Today we had a test. It was pretty hard, i'm not gonna lie.  But the essay was pretty easy though. challenging but fair.    

Friday, February 22, 2013

Today's class

Today's class was wired. I was like a judge and we all debated on if the Chinese exchange students should use translators. It was funny because if whoever was speaking they had to step up on the imaginary podium and if they didn't, we would yell STEP UP!!!!! Hahahaha it was great but after all we voted and like only Ana voted for not having translators  

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Todays class

Today's class was not all that different from yesterday. we went over the outline that Mr Schick put on his  blog.  we took notes and that's about it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

what we did in class today

today was a review day.  We reviewed all the notes that we have covered and are getting ready for a test.  Unfortunatly I got a bloody nose durring the class and had to go to the nurse.  I missed some of the notes but everything i need is on mr schicks website

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Todays class

todays class was crazy. I thought mr. schick was going to have a heart attack. He invited a group to present and it was all wrong.  Then he invited another group up.  Rickys group. they were good. They didnt have much flaws and it lasted long. It was so funny because Mr. schick was freaking out that wew were the worst class he has had all day 

Saturday, February 16, 2013


            For over three thousand years civilization has been moving and spreading.  Except for certain places people were still in prehistoric living development that came about from the agricultural revolution.  In less popular places a, the rulers thought of these places as suppliers of raw materials and sometimes invaders or intruders.  It was these people that gave birth to western civilization.  At about 4000 B.C. village life and the use of farming and agriculture had spread through the region.  At about 3500 B.C., people got smart enough to build monuments and memorable structures.  Many of these structures were megaliths. Large rough cut stones used to construct monuments and tombs.  These monuments have lasted, and are still standing today.  Early Europeans had no common sense.  Eventually they all began to start speaking their own languages.  War was a big thing in ancient Europe. If a warrior had died he would be placed in his grave with all of his fighting belongings next to his wife. They believed that a lot of his things he would need to fight into the afterlife with.  Many villages formed tribes usually held together by interest that each member usually liked.  Many tribes would meet every now and then to discus business and other different things.  Europe became mostly inhabited by Indo-European language speakers.  They were skilled in farming, metal work, trade, and warfare.  They were called European Barbarians.  Barbarian comes from the Greek word barbaros which means non-Greek.  Eventually the Europeans barbarians came in contact with civilization.  Sometimes the contact was not good. They would either kill everybody and raid what they had or make peace and trade.  Usually if they made goof contact they adopted there ways of life.  Because of these encounters the Greeks developed a distinctive civilization of their own.  They were the first real civilization to emerge in Europe.                  

Thursday, February 14, 2013

What We Did in Class Today

Today was a good day for me. I got a new group for my project. I am no longer with all those exchange students. After i got into my new group we discussed what i should do. I had to do slide 5 which is about the agricultural revolution. Since i was at a funeral i didn't get to read, so i had to go into my text book and read all about it. i eventually got it done and had a little time to customize my background.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What we did In class Today

Today in class was a rough day. We had to get into groups and i was the only person left and i was put with the Exchange students. I had to get there emails and tell them what to do, it was hard and i cant believe i basically have to dot the whole thing by my self. Anyway we got our powerpoint set up and got the first slide done. by my self of course. lol

Saturday, February 9, 2013

We had a test today in class

Today in class was a big pass or fail moment. We had a test. I had studied a lot for this test and i hope to be getting a good grade on it. we had 25 multiple choice, 1 short answer that had to be at least three sentences, and a essay that had to be 3 paragraphs. They were both easy in my perspective. I hope I passed but I am confident I did

Thursday, February 7, 2013

What we did In class today

Today in class we got to sit where ever we wanted. I sat next to Ricky. Mr. Schick pulled up something called a Prezi ?????????  I had no idea what it was but it was cool. It was kinda like a power point but one one page. The prezi was all about Egypt. After that we got to watch another one of those funny but weird videos of that strange dude but anyway it was fun

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What we did In class today

Today was one of the best days that we have ever had in Western Civ. today we gathered into groups of two. I was partnered with Gavin. We went to Mr. schicks blog and clicked on the link that he had in his post. what we had to do was make our own pyramid. it was hard. We had to do everything exactly right or we would get fired or the pyramid would collapse or many other different possibilities. It was frustrating but very fun. eventual me and Gavin got it and we got 8/10 points because we were not the first ones to get it       

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What we did In class today

Today in class we had something that I was not prepared for at all. Mr. Schick came in and the PowerPoint said POP QUIZ. I was scared. I did not know anything. Luckily for us, he had to go take pictures so that gave us about 10 minutes to study. We took the pop quiz that was only 5 questions and Easy. I am confident that I passed and I cant wait to see my grade. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

What we did in Class

Today in class we got settled in our seats. After that Mr. Schick putt on a little movie about the test of our whole life. And the stuff that goes in .99 cent burgers. the guy was talking really fast so what we did is after we saw the whole video without interruption, we talked about it, what happened, what did you think and do you think the guy is weird or not and i think so. then we started to watch it again but we stopped  it in certain areas to talk abut it.  

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What we Did in Class Today

Today in class we got new seats and then we decided to open our book and look at the text.  We talked about evolution and The theory that Jared Diamond had about geographic luck. all the students were taking notes on Mr schicks PowerPoint that he had up on the board.  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Jared Diamond

By reading the text that was assigned to us that Jared Diamonds theory could be wrong, I have thought that the text is trying to say  that there is a little geographic luck but its all about evolution. Humans have evolved into a complex design of a living creature since they first came around and all there going to keep doing is evolving. Yes there could be luck involved but the only way that Humans are going to succeed on there land is by evolving to there natural environment and that's what they are going to do. For example when the Spanish defeated the Incas it was the Incas choice to use bronze instead of steel. They could have evolved into a great group and defeated the Spanish if they just took advantages of there resources. Another one is if the Incas would have built boats and explored they might have found other groups where they could trade and do different things for more advance tools.     

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What We Did In Class 1/18/13

Today in Mr shicks class we had a little fun. we got to know our textbooks better by reading some of it and taking notes. Mr Shick read the information to us, kinda like a story time for 3rd graders. okay, anyway he showed us how to take notes and told us how we should always be short but precise. That was My second Day in Mr Shicks Class  

Thursday, January 17, 2013

What we did In class today


Today was our first day and we got to know each others names and Mr.Shick took roll. We also passed out book but before we did that, Mr. Shick Had the wrong books so he needed to go get the right books. after we passed out books we created a blog. Some people had trouble with it but most people Got it and sent the URL to Mr. Shick